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Display regarding Specified Commercial Transactions Law

Seller name Sim Limited Design Co., Ltd.
Trade name 24th of august
representative person Takayoshi Yamanami
location Konirono Building B1F, 6-2 Higashikoraibashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka
telephone number
Telephone reception hours 13:00-19:00
email address
Selling price Please refer to the product page.
Necessary charges other than product price ・Shipping fee/transfer fee (in case of bank transfer)
Delivery time Items will be shipped on the date specified by the customer within 2 to 14 days from the date of order. Unless otherwise specified, the item will be shipped within 2 days from the date of order. (*Closed on Wednesdays)
payment method ・Online credit payment (Shopify payments)
・PayPal payment ・Amazon Pay payment For details, please see the " About Payment " page.
Returns, exchanges, cancellations, etc. Please see the " Returns and Exchanges " page.
Return deadline Please contact us within 3 days after receiving the product.
Return shipping fee Please see the " Returns and Exchanges " page.
Name and location of sales area 24th of august Konirono Building B1F, 6-2 Koraibashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka
Name of liquor sales manager Hiromi Yamanami
Date of attending alcoholic beverage sales management training June 18, 2024
Deadline for next training session June 17, 2027
Training field organization name Japan Voluntary Chain Association

Drinking by minors is prohibited by law. We do not sell alcohol to anyone under the age of 20.